Technical SEO services

The foundation for your online visibility

Technical SEO is concerned with optimizing the infrastructure of your website to ensure that search engines can crawl and index it easily. At ZUMO, we place particular emphasis on identifying and removing technical hurdles to lay the foundation for your SEO success.

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Efficiency and accessibility

Technical SEO is crucial to ensuring that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your website or online store. Any technical barrier can significantly affect the findability of your content and therefore negatively impact your position in the search results for certain search queries.

Problem identification and elimination

After a comprehensive analysis, we identify technical problems on your website, your CMS or your server. ZUMO shows you how these can be effectively eliminated to optimize the performance of your site.

Prioritization and implementation

ZUMO prioritizes the identified technical issues based on their impact on SEO performance and the required remediation effort. This ensures that the most urgent and impactful issues are resolved first.

Solides Fundament für langfristigen Erfolg

A stable technical foundation is essential for sustainable SEO success. Without a technically sound website or online store, even the best content and comprehensive backlink strategies are ineffective. At ZUMO, we understand the importance of a strong technical foundation and ensure that your website complies with current standards and best practices. In this way, we create the conditions for SEO measures to take full effect.

Integrated collaboration for optimal results

Close collaboration between development and SEO teams is crucial to seamlessly integrate technical and content SEO aspects. At ZUMO, our developers and SEO specialists work hand in hand to identify and remove technical hurdles. This synergy allows us to develop customized solutions that meet both technical requirements and SEO goals, providing a solid foundation for long-term success in organic search results.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing various factors related to your website, platform or online store. This includes optimizations on your site as well as externally (off-page) to increase organic search engine traffic.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO is an area of search engine optimization (SEO) that focuses on optimizing the technical infrastructure of a website/online store so that it can be found, understood and indexed efficiently by search engines such as Google.

The aim of technical SEO is to ensure that search engines can easily access all pages of the website, crawl them and process the content. This includes measures such as improving loading speed, optimizing mobile usability, ensuring a clean and structured URL structure, implementing structured data (schema markup), troubleshooting crawling issues, setting up an effective internal linking structure and ensuring that the website is secure.

Why is this important?

It is important because technical SEO forms the basis for successful search engine optimization and therefore also has an influence on other SEO work such as on-page SEO & off-page SEO.

After how long can a top ranking be expected?

The time it takes to achieve a good ranking varies depending on several factors. These include the keywords for which you are aiming for a high ranking, their competitive intensity (how many competitors are also targeting these keywords), and the general performance of your website or online store. Another decisive factor is the position of your website for the relevant keywords at the start of the SEO campaign. For highly competitive keywords, the first results are typically visible after around 3 months, and the first top rankings can be expected after around a year.

From analyzing technical problems to optimizing website performance

  • Optimization of the page speed
  • Optimization of Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • Improvement of First Input Delay (FID)
  • Reduction of Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Use of caching techniques (browser caching, server caching)
  • Minimization of HTTP requests (combining and reducing resources)
  • Compression and optimization of CSS and JavaScript files (e.g. minification)
  • Lazy loading for images, videos and iFrames
  • Use of a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Optimization of image sizes and formats (e.g. WebP)
  • Monitoring and improvement of server response times
  • Reduction of the time to first byte (TTFB)
  • Implementation of HTTP/2 or HTTP/3
  • Implementation of responsive design
  • Optimization of loading times on mobile devices
  • Ensuring mobile user-friendliness
  • Review and optimization of mobile navigation
  • Avoiding Flash content and annoying pop-ups
  • Use of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) if appropriate
  • Keyword analysis
  • Review and optimization of the robots.txt file
  • Use of XML sitemaps to support indexing
  • Avoidance of crawl traps and blockages
  • Review and adjustment of noindex and nofollow tags
  • Analysis and correction of crawling errors in the Google Search Console
  • Optimization of indexability
  • Checking the log files for crawling behavior
  • Use of hreflang tags for multilingual pages
  • HTTP Header - Miscellaneous URLs
  • Implementation of structured data (
  • Optimization of rich snippets
  • Use of JSON-LD for structured data
  • Checking and validating structured data with the Google Structured Data Testing Tool
  • Monitoring the Google Search Console for markup errors
  • Creation of user-friendly and descriptive URLs
  • Avoiding dynamic and excessively long URLs
  • Use of canonical tags to avoid duplicate content
  • Checking and optimizing the internal linking structure
  • Use of breadcrumb navigation for better user guidance
  • Avoidance of superfluous URL parameters
  • Identification and correction of 404 errors
  • Solving problems with forwarding (301, 302)
  • Monitoring and rectification of server errors (500 errors)
  • Regular review of website performance
  • Use of tools such as Google Lighthouse, GTmetrix
  • Use of monitoring tools for early detection of technical problems
  • Automated alerts for errors and performance problems

Are you ready to dominate the first page on Google?

Our team of SEO gurus is ready to help you with this.

Let us advise you